Spectroscopy 101

Spectroscopy 101
Limerick Astronomy Club meetings are on the first Thurday of the month at 7: 30 PM in room 202 at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. They use the South Circular Road entrance and the room is on the second floor. Newcomers are most welcome. Their March 6th by Andrew Le Gear with a talk on Spectroscopy. This is the the study of the absorption and emission of light and other radiation by matter. It involves the splitting of light (or more precisely electromagnetic radiation) into its constituent wavelengths (a spectrum), which is done in much the same way as a prism splits light into a rainbow of colours.
The Club was founded during the “Year of Halley” on 6th Feb 1986, from the the mid-1990’s the club was known as the Shannonside Astronomy club (SAC) but was eventually decided to revert to their original name in 2018. The club has many dedicated observers who own some of the largest and most powerful telescopes owned by any amateurs in Ireland. See a selection of their instruments HERE
The present club subscription is from September to September costs €50. Here is whats on offer for those who join,
- Use of the clubs 2 telescopes on observing nights, including the high power binoculars, the club buys the equipment so you dont have to.
- Text alerts about upcoming events and club meetings reminders.
- Monthly meetings in Mary Immaculate College with invited and club speakers.
- Latest astronomy news.
- Workshops on how to use/build a telescope/stellarium etc
- Club night sky observing sessions at club observing sites.
See their Website at https://www.limerickastronomyclub.com
For regular updates see their Facebook page: https://www.limerickastronomyclub.com/index.htm
Additional Details
Event County - Limerick