[ February 8, 2025 by Ronan Newman 0 Comments ]

Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve Events

Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve Events

Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve Events

The Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve (Tearmann Chiarraí na Spéire Dorcha) is a dark-sky preserve in County Kerry. It was designated Ireland’s first International Dark Sky Reserve by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). Kerry International Dark-Sky Reserve was awarded the Gold Tier Award on the 27th of January 2014 and was the first Gold Tier Reserve in the northern hemisphere, and is one of only four Gold Tier Dark-Sky Reserves in the world. Kerry’s bid was headed by Julie Ormonde, of the South Kerry Astronomy Group, and supported by Kerry County Council and Failte Ireland.

It’s over a decade since the inception of the South Kerry Astronomy Club’s pioneering bid for Dark Sky recognition and to celebrate, the popular Skellig Coast Dark Sky Festival is returning for a fourth consecutive year from March 27th to 30th. See https://events.humanitix.com/skellig-coast-dark-sky-festival-2025


On Monday, the 3rd of March they are planning three excellent events that are supported by the Skellig Coast Dark Sky Festival and the Sneem Hotel.


March 3rd @ 5pm in Sneem Bookshop ,

Locationa see MAP and Eircode: V93 D528

‘Faoi aon Spéir’ – caint agus comhrá faoin réalteolaíocht le Caoimhín de Bhailís (https://caoimhinscontent.ie/) – Fáilte roimh chách. All welcome. This event is in Irish , for more information go to https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/102753008947069/sneem-book-shop/


March 3rd @ 7pm  in Sneem Hotel

Location: See MAP and Eircode: V93 XV44

Astronomy talk:  ‘Under One Sky’ with Caoimhín de Bhailís, March 8pm, Sneem Hotel Sneem, Co. Kerry. All welcome


March 3rd @ 8pm in Sneem Hotel

Extending the Kerry International Dark Sky Reserve to Sneem – Michael Sheehan (with Aoibheann Lambe) of Caherdaniel Dark Sky Group will talk about the processes involved in the application for dark sky recognition which resulted in the accreditation of a Gold Tier International Dark Sky Reserve for South Kerry in 2014. All welcome.


March 3rd @ 9.30pm at Sneem Hotel (weather permitting)

After the talks, the attendees at the Sneem hotel events are invited to a star gazing event (weather permitting) with Kerry Dark Sky Tourism (https://www.kerrydarkskytourism.com/)


Tuesday March 4th @ 11am

Location:  See MAPand Eircode V93 KV44


Walk the Planets

This event has been organized in association with the Caherdaniel Dark Sky Group. Its a daytime walk that is 3.5 kilometres in length, the trail follows the old Butter Road from Caherdaniel village (Stop 0) to midway along Coad mountain (Stop 9).

They will meet at 11am on the 4th  March at the ‘SUN’ in Caherdaniel (by the house with Eircode: V93 KV44). The 4th of March falls during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Beimid ag caint as Gaeilinn agus as Béarla freisin – Fáilte roimh chách! All children to be accompanied by an adult.


Booking is essential:  To register, send you name via email using to Aoibheann Lambe  at skelligcoastdarkskytours@gmail.com


For more information go to https://www.kerrydarkskytourism.com/ or https://www.guidigo.com/Tour/Ireland/Ireland/Walk-of-the-Planets–Caherdaniel-Dark-Sky-Group/h-cThjU1y74?lg=en



Additional Details

Event County - Kerry


Date And Time

03-03-2025 @ 05:00 PM to
04-03-2025 @ 12:30 PM

Event Category

AboutRonan Newman