We’ve rounded up a selection of classic Astronomy e-books and children’s e-comics for you to download. The authors are experienced hands at teaching others what it means to be thinking about the universe, and our place within it.
- Adult Astronomy E-Books: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/
fo/kq66add0msl6hc01nr8fg/h?dl= 0&rlkey= 7flo0gzjmsxchkr4rl18xjtud - Childrens Astronomy E-Comics: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/
fo/4kb08cogadpukguju5lvu/h?dl= 0&rlkey= 4byy526l5wnx2ctrd9jp2fsst - Childrens Astrobiology E-Comics: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/
fo/slhfvl64k586k3hqp20nz/h?dl= 0&rlkey= oj31qz42jge172t2xhkz5zeiv