Wonders of the Night Sky

Wonders of the Night Sky
Space-themed, Family Friendly talk entitled An Astronomers Journey in Westside Library with John Keady, the Chirperson of Galway Astronomy Club.
John Keady is an amateur astronomer based in Galway City. Inspired by the dark skies of Southwest Connemara, he became interested in astronomy from a very young age. It has become a lifelong passion. He has been on the committee of the Galway Astronomy Club for over 10 years, holding positions in outreach, observing and at the moment as Club Chairperson.
Take a journey out from our planet to the outer edges of the Solar System and beyond as you learn what wonders can be seen in the night sky. What are those objects up there and what is the best way to see them. This presentation is aimed at beginners to give them a flavour of what to look out for in the night sky and hopefully to inspire them to take up the hobby themselves in future.
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Event County - Galway