Limerick Astronomy Club Observing Night

Limerick Astronomy Club Observing Night
Limerick Astronomy are hosting their Irish Astronomy Week obseving event at O’Callaghan Strand, Limerick on Saturday March 8th from 7pm to 9pm (Weather permitting) see MAP . The city has revamped the strand walkway in recent years with good safety barriers and footpaths. They use this site for public outreach nights and these are open to the public and free where they bring the clubs telescopes and binoculars for anyone to look through. It is a light polluted site, but is good safe site for the public. Come out an enjoy Irish Astronomy Week that brings a mix of celestial treats for astronomy enthusiasts in Limerick, Venus is like a beacon of light in the evening sky while Jupiter and Mars will also command attention higher up in Taurus and Gemini.
The Club was founded during the “Year of Halley” on 6th Feb 1986, from the the mid-1990’s the club was known as the Shannonside Astronomy club (SAC) but was eventually decided to revert to their original name in 2018. The club has many dedicated observers who own some of the largest and most powerful telescopes owned by any amateurs in Ireland. See a selection of their instruments HERE
See their Website at
For regular updates see their Facebook page:
Frank Ryan Jr, the club chairperson has been stargazing and helping people get into the hobby for over 40 years. He is a leading Irish amateur astronomer and with a passion for outreach through his informative You Tube channel click at
The Limerick Astronomy Club meets monthly on the first Thursday of every month, in Mary Immaculate College, Room 202 at 8pm. We’d love to welcome you and embark on this cosmic journey together. Reach out to us at limerickastronomyclub for more info.
Additional Details
Event County - Limerick