South East Astronomy Public Observing Night

South East Astronomy Public Observing Night
South East Astronomy Club public Observing Watch: Come to Kingsmeadow Green, Old Cork Road, Waterford. Opposite McDonald’s (X91 D622). View wonderful the night sky through their telescopes and powerful binoculars. Learn about the hobby, Astronomy apps, telescopes and binoculars. See the google MAP
For more information go to
Or contact their chairperson at 087 293 9644
Weather Permitting
Telescopes will set up for the public to view and enjoy the night sky
See amazing topographical views of the surface of the Moon with its deep craters, rilles, cracks, mountains and Valleys. for more information click HERE
The brilliant planet Venus, the brightest starlike object in the evning sky which appears this month like a mini lunar crescent.
The Mighty planet Jupiter, through a telescope is an incredible experience! you can easily see the four largest moons—Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, it distinct cloud bands that run parallel to its equator alternating from light and dark stripes and finally the Galilean moons casting shadows on Jupiter’s clouds (4 March: Double shadow transit on Jupiter (23:36-01:13 UT)
The red Planet; Mars with its deep pinkish hue and polar caps
Mercury: Mercury’s orbit lies closer to the Sun than the Earth’s, meaning that it always appears close to the Sun and is lost in the Sun’s glare much of the time. But from March 1st to 8th it will be a bright star-like low in the evening sky.
Many other deep-sky celestial objects will hopefully be visible in there powerful telescopes.
Bring along your own binoculars for help and demonstrations by club members on how to get the best from your astronomical equipment, but most of all, dress warmly as it still can still be chilly, even in March.
Additional Details
Event County - Waterford