Swords Library talk By Tom O’Donoghue
Address: Rathbeale Rd, Commons West, Swords, Co. Dublin
Phone: (01) 890 5582
Date: Monday, February 17th

Title: Astrophotography with Tom O’Donoghue

Tom O’Donoghue has spent many years perfecting the art of taking deep sky photographs. In this talk, he will guide you through the methods and skills used in successful astrophotography.

Tom will present the same talk at Blanchardstown Library on April 23rd at 6.30pm



Limerick Astronomy Club

Topic: Spectroscopy 101″

March 7th  Lecture by Andrew Le Gear

Room 202 at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick @ 8pm


Astronomers have figured out a lot of very, very specific details about the universe.We know, for example, that 91.2% of the atoms in the Sun are hydrogen. We know there is water vapor in the atmosphere of WASP-39 b, a distant planet 700 light-years away. We know that the gas at the center of galaxy M82 is 80,000,000 degrees Celsius (150 million degrees Fahrenheit). And that the Whirlpool Galaxy is moving away from us at a rate of 460 kilometers (285 miles) every second.

Astronomy articles are filled with exact compositions, temperatures, and speeds of things that are too far to visit, impractical to probe, and in some cases impossible to observe directly. How is it possible to get such detailed measurements like these?

The answer is spectroscopy!